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湖北省商务厅 湖北省财政厅







  第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了加强和规范湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的管理,根据中共湖北省委、湖北省人民政府《关于进一步扩大对外开放的若干意见》(鄂发[2004]23号)和商务部、财政部《关于做好中西部地区外经贸发展促进资金管理工作的通知》(商规发[2004]102号)文件精神,参照原外经贸部、财政部《西部地区外经贸发展促进资金管理暂行办法》([2000]外经贸计财发第612号)的规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金是中央和省级财政安排的政府性专项资金,专项用于支持湖北省各类进出口企业、外经企业、各有关机构扩大出口和其它外经贸业务的发展。

  第三条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的来源为:




  第四条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的管理遵循公开透明、专款专用、科学管理、加强监督的原则。

  第二章 使用原则、支持方向和方式

  第五条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的使用坚持以下原则:





  第六条 湖北外经贸发展促进资金的重点支持方向如下:










  第七条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金实行部分支持方式,即对符合本办法第六条各款支持方向的项目提供部分资金支持,其余由企业或项目单位承担。湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的具体支持内容和支持标准(比例)由本办法相应的实施细则予以明确。项目实施所产生的市场风险由项目申请单位负责。

  第三章 管理部门与职责分工

  第八条 湖北省商务厅、湖北省财政厅是湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的主管部门。

  第九条 湖北省商务厅负责湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的业务管理,具体是确定支持重点、提出中长期规划和年度资金使用预算、项目组织、建立项目库及评审论证工作等。省以下各级商务主管部门受省商务厅委托负责项目组织、受理项目申请并初审及监督实施工作。省财政厅和省以下各级财政主管部门参与监督管理。

  第十条 湖北省财政厅负责湖北外经贸发展促进资金的预算和资金管理工作,具体是审批年度资金使用预算、审核项目完成情况并拨付项目资金、对资金的使用情况进行监督、检查等。省以下各级财政主管部门受省财政厅委托负责拨付项目资金和监督、检查项目完成情况。省商务厅和省以下各级商务主管部门参与监督管理。

  第四章 支持对象与项目申报、评审

  第十一条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金项目申请者的资格条件:






  第十二条 项目单位向省商务厅或各市州商务主管部门申报湖北外经贸发展促进资金项目时,须提供下列材料:







  第十三条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金实行项目管理。项目资金申请按行政管理级次,逐级申报。省直企业直接向省商务厅提出申请,其他企业按属地原则,经同级商务主管部门初审,择优推荐,由市州级商务主管部门汇总报省商务厅。各市州商务主管部门及省直企业上报的项目申报材料,按项目类别和业务分工分别报省商务厅相关业务处室受理并初审(具体分工由实施细则予以明确),然后由省商务厅规划财务处审核汇总交评审机构评审。

  第十四条 湖北外经贸发展促进资金实行项目评审制度。项目评审应坚持“预算控制、优胜劣汰、确保重点、兼顾,一般”的原则。项目评审结果是省主管部门选择确定支持项目的重要依据。

  第十五条 湖北外经贸发展促进资金项目评审工作由省商务厅统一组织。省商务厅根据工作需要可聘请外经贸、经济、财务、法律等方面的专家组成“湖北外经贸发展促进资金项目评审委员会”(以下简称“评委会”),“评委会”组成人员坚持“专家为主,行政管理人员为辅”的原则,负责人由省商务厅分管厅领导担任。





  第十六条 每年三月底以前,省商务厅会同省财政厅联合下达《关于申报湖北省外经贸发展促进资金项目的通知》,对申报和组织湖北省外经贸发展促进资金项目提出具体要求。项目申报和评审原则上在每年上半年内完成,各市州通过评审的项目由省商务厅建立“项目库”进行管理。省商务厅、省财政厅根据核定预算从“项目库”中选择确定支持项目批复各市州商务局、财政局,并由各市州商务局、财政局向项目单位下达项目执行通知。省直通过评审并被确定为支持的项目,由省商务厅、省财政厅联合下达执行通知到项目单位。

  第十七条 湖北省外经贸发展资金中属于中央明确用于西部的部分,由恩施州商务局、财政局按本办法的规定自行确定支持项目,报省商务厅、省财政厅备案。

  第五章 预算管理与资金拨付

  第十八条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金实行“专户、专帐”管理。各级财政部门必须在财政国库收付中心设立“湖北省外经贸发展促进资金”专户,通过专户核算省财政拨付的项目资金收、支、存情况。

  第十九条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金一般采取事后拨付资金方式,其中重大项目可以按照项目的执行进度分阶段拨付。项目执行完毕,项目执行单位应向市州商务局上报《湖北省外经贸发展促进资金项目资金拨付申请表》(一式两份,具体要求由实施细则予以明确)。市州商务局会同财政局共同组织对湖北省外经贸发展促进资金的项目验收,并联合对项目单位申报的项目资金拨付申请材料进行审核并出具审核意见,由市州或县(市)财政局拨付项目资金。省直单位或企业的项目资金拨付申请由省商务厅出具审核意见后交省财政厅,由省财政厅审核同意后直接将项目资金拨付项目单位。

  第二十条 市、州主管部门和省直获得资金支持的项目单位,应于次年二月底前将上年度项目资金的执行情况及效益评价分析报告上报省商务厅、省财政厅,省商务厅、省财政厅于三月底前,将全省上年度外经贸发展促进资金支持情况和绩效评估分析上报商务部、财政部和省政府。县(市)主管部门向市、州主管部门的上报时间,由市、州主管部门确定。

  第二十一条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金主管部门每年可以从年度资金使用总额中提取2%的工作经费,主要用于项目组织、评审和聘请委托管理机构及评审专家等经费开支。

  第六章 项目的调整、撤销

  第二十二条 项目批准后,出现以下情形之一时,可以申,请项目调整和变更:



  第二十三条 项目批准后,出现以下情形之一时,撤销项目计划:






  第二十四条 湖北省外经贸发展促进资金项目调整和撤销由省主管部门决定。项目调整由项目单位或项目组织单位向省主管部门提出申请,省主管部门重新组织评审并直接向项目单位或项目组织单位下达项目调整通知书;项目撤销由省主管部门根据市州主管部门反映的情况、社会举报查证情况以及实地检查情况直接书面通知项目单位,项目调整和撤销通知应同时抄送项目所在地商务、财政主管部门。

  第七章 各方的权利、责任和义务

  第二十五条 主管部门的权利、责任和义务





  第二十六条 项目单位的权利、责任和义务:



  第二十七条 承办机构和评审小组的权利、责任和义务:



  第八章 监督检查

  第二十八条 湖北省商务厅、湖北省财政厅和项目组织单位如有违反商务部、财政部有关规定和本办法及相应实施细则行为的,由商务部、财政部进行处罚;有违法行为的,依照《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》、《国务院关于违反财政法规处罚的暂行规定》等有关法律法规进行处罚。

  第二十九条 湖北省商务厅、湖北省财政厅相关管理人员在履行岗位职责时如有违反本办法和相应实施细则行为的,由主管部门进行行政处理;如有构成犯罪行为的,移送司法机关依法查处。

  第三十条 各市州商务、财政主管部门应确保项目资金专款专用并拨付到位,不得借故拖延、截留、挪用项目资金,也不得以项目资金扣抵项目单位的借款或其它应交款项。经检查核实,凡发生此类违规行为的地区,省主管部门将3年内不受理该地区项目申报,并向全省进行通报批评。

  第三十一条 项目单位如有违反本办法和相应实施细则行为的,按相关规定撤销项目计划,并按《国务院关于违反财政法规处罚的暂行规定》进行处理,主管部门三年内将不予受理项目申报。

  第三十二条 各中介机构及评审小组成员,如违反本规定及委托方委托书各条款规定,有弄虚作假、徇私舞弊等行为,一经发现,均取消其委托资格,并追回相应的报酬,造成资金损失或浪费的要追究责任;如构成违法行为的,应移交司法机关查处。

  第九章 附 则

  第三十三条 本办法由湖北省商务厅会同湖北省财政厅共同制定并负责解释。

  第三十四条 本办法经上报商务部、财政部备案后,自发布之日起实施。

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第一条 根据《国务院关于鼓励外商投资的规定》,为鼓励外商投资兴办先进技术企业,帮助企业解决外汇收支平衡,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法适用于能够提供国内需要的先进技术,从事新产品开发,实现产品 升级换代的生产型中外合资经营、合作经营企业(以下简称合资、合作企业)。
第三条 符合下列各项条件的,可申请以产顶进:
第四条 凡要求以产顶进的企业,在申报项目建议书的同时,提出以产顶进的申请。在报送项目可行性研究报告时,必须明确合资、合作企业产品的内外销比例,以及国产化的进度,并对以产顶进的可行性(包括分年顶替进口的产品数量和外汇金额)进行充分论证或评估。
第五条 按分级管理原则,合资、合作企业产品申请以产顶进,分别由中央、地方(部门)两级审批。中央审批的限额以上项目需要以产顶进的,由国家计委审批;地方和部门审批的限额以下项目需要以产顶进的,由地方计委和部门自行审批。
第六条 由国家计委审批的限额以上项目的以产顶进:
第七条 由地方、部门审批的限额以下项目的以产顶进:
第八条 上述经中央和地方计委(或部门)审批同意以产顶进的产品,属于在中长期进口计划内预批的,必须根据当年的进口计划情况,在年度中进一步核定落实。
第九条 经批准的以产顶进产品,国内用户采购时,应按双方商定的条件,经国家外汇管理部门批准,向合资、合作企业支付全部或部分外汇。
第十条 机电产品的以产顶进,由国家经委制定并公布以产顶进目录和以产顶进管理办法,指导国内用户优先采购目录内的产品。
第十一条 合资、合作企业生产以产顶进产品所需进口的料、件,按《对外经济贸易部关于外商投资企业申领出口许可证的实施办法》第四条规定办理进口手续;上述产品供应给国内用户时,按海关总署《中华人民共和国海关对外商投资企业履行产品出口合同所需进口料、件管理办法》第五条规定办理。
第十二条 经批准其产品实行以产顶进的合资、合作企业,必须做到:
第十三条 合资、合作企业的产品一俟批准以产顶进后,不能再重复将这部分产品纳入国产物资分配计划。
第十四条 本办法由国家计委负责解释。
第十五条 本办法自公布之日起实行。

附件 “七五”计划期间中央进口计划内可以实行以产顶进的商品目录
1、钢材 5、铝 9、木浆
2、生铁 6、锌 10、腈纶
3、木材 7、橡胶 11、锦纶
4、铜 8、化肥 12、人造丝


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council and promulgated by the State Plan-
ning Commission on October 19, 1987)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Provisions of the
State Council Concerning the Encouragement of Foreign Investment, to
encourage foreign businessmen to invest in setting up technologically -
advanced enterprises, and to help enterprises in achieving a balance
between their foreign exchange earnings and expenditures.
Article 2
These Measures shall apply to Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures and
Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures of a production nature
(hereinafter referred to as joint ventures and contractual ventures) which
can provide advanced technologies China needs and are engaged in the
development of new products, thereby realizing the upgrading of products
and the replacement of old products with new ones.
Article 3
Enterprises with foreign investment that satisfy the following conditions
may apply to substitute their products for similar imported products:
(1) technologically-advanced joint ventures and contractual ventures whose
products are indeed needed in China, and which have, at the initial stage
of production, experienced some temporary difficulties in balancing their
foreign exchange earnings and expenditures in the course of realizing the
replacement of imported products with home-made ones;
(2) the products manufactured by enterprises mentioned above belong to the
categories of products the central departments, the localities and other
departments need to import at present and in the next few years;
(3) products that are recommended as substitutes for similar imported
products shall meet the needs of domestic users in specifications,
properties, the delivery time, technical services and technical training,
and undergo the appraisal conducted by the national testing center for the
quality of products, thereby confirming that the aforesaid products
measure up to the quality standard of similar imported goods; in
principle, the prices of the recommended products shall not be higher than
those of the international market at the time.
Article 4
Enterprises that recommend their products as substitutes for similar
imported goods shall make an application in that connection at the time
when they submit their project proposals. When they submit their project
feasibility study reports, they must state clearly in the reports the
proportion between domestic sales and export sales of the products
manufactured by the joint ventures and contractual ventures and the rate
of progress for the replacement of imported products with home-made ones;
moreover, they shall prove by an ample demonstration or appraise the
feasibility of substituting their products for similar imported ones
(including a statement concerning the annual quantity of their products to
be used to substitute for imported products and annual amount of foreign
exchange to be earned therefrom).
Article 5
Pursuant to the principle of administration at different levels, the
applications for the approval of using the products manufactured by the
joint ventures and contractual ventures to substitute for similar imported
goods shall be examined and approved respectively by the central competent
authorities and the local competent authorities (or departments). If items
above the norm examined and approved by the central competent authorities
need to be recommended as substitutes for similar imported products, the
matter shall be examined and approved by the State Planning Commission;
and the items below the norm examined and approved by the local competent
authorities (or departments) need to be recommended as substitutes for
similar imported products, the matter shall be examined and approved by
the local planning commissions or departments on their own.
Article 6
Import substitution to be effected in the items above the norm to be
examined and approved by the State Economic Planning Commission:
(1) of the goods which have been included in the Central Government's
medium-and long-term import plans approved by the State, except those on
which long-term import agreements have been concluded with foreign
countries, substitution for imports shall be approved in advance within
the Central Government's import plans if it is still possible that some of
the goods to be imported can be substituted with domestically -
manufactured products when the feasibility study reports are examined and
(2) substitution for goods which have not been included in the Central
Government's medium-and long-term import plans shall, in principle, not be
approved in advance. However, the enterprises may apply to the State
Planning Commission for using their products as substitutes for similar
imported products if such goods have been included in the Central
Government's annual import plans and are available for substitution with
home-made similar products. Once the applications are approved, the
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade shall handle the
procedures for substituting home-made product for similar imported
products for the current year;
(3) with respect to those commodities which have not been included in the
Central Government's long-term, medium-term and annual import plans, if
they are to be imported by the local governments in the current year, the
enterprises may make an application to the local planning commission; upon
approval, the local department of foreign economic relations and trade
shall handle the procedures for using their products as substitutes for
similar imported products.
Article 7
Import substitution to be effected in the items below the norm to be
examined and approved by the local competent authorities (or departments):
(1) of the commodities which have already been included in the long-term,
medium-term and annual import plans of the province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government, if there are some
available for being replaced by home-made products, they may, within the
period for executing the locality's import plan, be approved in advance by
the planning commission of the province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government with reference to the
examining and approving procedures adopted by the central competent
authorities, and the aforesaid planning commission shall also handle,
within the aforesaid period, the procedures for using the home-made
products mentioned above as substitutes for similar imported commodities;
(2) with respect to those commodities which have not been included in the
localities' long-term, medium-term and annual import plans, but they are
to be imported by the local area or by some other areas, a transregional
operation may be conducted for using home-made products as substitutes for
similar imported commodities. The enterprises may make an application
directly to the planning commission of the province, autonomous region, or
municipality directly under the Central Government that undertakes the
import of the aforesaid commodities; after they have obtained the
approval, the department of foreign economic relations and trade of the
aforesaid province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the
Central Government shall handle the procedures for using their products as
substitutes for similar imported commodities:
(3) with respect to the commodities to be imported by some departments
with the foreign exchange in their possession, the enterprises may make an
application directly to these departments; after they have obtained the
consent of the departments, they shall go through the procedures for using
their own products as substitutes for similar commodities to be imported.
Article 8
With respect to the aforesaid products which are to be used as substitutes
for similar imported commodities as examined and approved by the planning
commission of the central competent authorities or of the local competent
authorities (or by local departments), if these products belong to the lot
of products which are to be approved in advance within the long-and
medium-term plans, they shall be further verified and confirmed in the
annual plan in accordance with the actual situation of the execution of
the import plan in the current year.
The products which have been approved as substitutes for similar imported
products shall, under equal conditions (with similar imported
commodities), be given priority of being selected for use by domestic
The competent departments for imports administration and the examining and
approving departments for imports at various levels shall guide and
encourage domestic users to give priority to the purchase of the products
which are manufactured by the joint ventures and contractual ventures and
are in conformity with the conditions of products used as substitutes for
similar imported products.
Article 9
When domestic users purchase products which have been approved as
substitutes for similar imported products, the payment for such products
shall be made wholly or partially in foreign exchange to the joint
ventures and contractual ventures in accordance with the terms agreed upon
by both parties and subject to the approval of the State administrative
department of foreign exchange control.
Article 10
With respect to machinery and electrical products used as substitutes for
similar imported products, the State Economic Commission shall formulate
and publish a catalogue of products used as substitutes for similar
imported products and also the procedures for the administration of
substitution of home-made products for similar imported goods, thereby
directing the domestic users to give priority to the purchase of the
products included in the aforesaid catalogue.
The joint ventures and contractual ventures which manufacture the products
included in the aforesaid catalogue may participate in the open tender for
imported machinery and electrical equipment conducted by the China Bidding
Center for Machinery and Electrical Equipment (or by other bidding
agencies authorized by the State Economic Commission); the Center shall
issue a certificate to the enterprise which has won the tender, thereby
realizing the substitution of home-made products for similar imported
Article 11
The joint ventures and contractual ventures shall, in accordance with the
provisions of Article 4 of the Measures of the Ministry of Foreign
Economic Relations and Trade Concerning the Application by Enterprises
with Foreign Investment for the Export Licence, go through the procedures
for the importation of raw materials and component parts needed in the
manufacture of products used as substitutes for similar imported goods;
when the aforesaid products are supplied to domestic users, the
transaction shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Article
5 of the Measures of the General Customs Administration of the People's
Republic of China Concerning the Importation of Raw Materials and
Component Parts Needed by Enterprises with Foreign Investment to Execute
Their Products Export Contracts.
Article 12
The joint ventures and contractual ventures which have obtained the
approval to use their products as substitutes for similar imported goods
must fulfil the following requirements:
(1) strictly fulfil the requirements for the export proportion stipulated
in the contract and the rate of progress for the replacement of imported
products with home-made ones;
(2) strive to maintain the advanced level of the technical performance and
quality of their products;
(3) deliver their products in accordance with the quantity and schedule
stipulated in the contract; in the event that the users suffer economic
losses caused by problems relating to the time of delivery, the quantity
of products delivered, and the quality of products, they shall bear the
corresponding economic liabilities;
(4) provide high-quality service to the users.
Article 13
Once the products manufactured by the joint ventures and contractual
ventures have been approved as substitutes for similar imported goods,
they shall not be included again in the State plan for the distribution of
goods and materials produced domestically.
Article 14
The right to interpret these Measures shall reside in the State Planning
Article 15
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Appendix: Catalogue of commodities which can be replaced by home-made
products as included in the central government's import plan to be
executed during the "Seventh Five-Year Plan":
(1) steel products (2) pig iron
(3) timber (4) copper
(5) aluminium (6) zinc
(7) rubber (8) chemical fertilizers
(9) wood pulp (10) poly acrylonitrile fibre
(11)polyamide fibre (12) artificial silk
